

The Oviedo running community is thriving! With 100+ active runners, we’re more eager than ever to support businesses that support us. As we transition to new locations following the closures of Irish 31 Oviedo and Oviedo Brewing, this is your chance to connect with a highly engaged, community-driven audience while increasing your brand’s visibility.

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The Oviedo running community is thriving! With 100+ active runners, we’re more eager than ever to support businesses that support us. As we transition to new locations following the closures of Irish 31 Oviedo and Oviedo Brewing, this is your chance to connect with a highly engaged, community-driven audience while increasing your brand’s visibility.

1️⃣ T-Shirt Sponsorship – Year-Round Brand Exposure

Put your business front and center by featuring your logo on the back of our club shirts! These shirts are worn at every run, race, and community event, ensuring continuous brand visibility.

Sponsorship Level Investment Logo Placement Additional Perks
🏆 Gold (Exclusive – 1 Spot) $700 Largest logo at the top-center Social media spotlight, featured in email newsletter, business shoutout at club events, 3 tabled events per year
🥈 Silver Sponsor $375 Medium logo in a shared section Logo on website, social media shoutout, 2 tabled events per year
🏅 Community Sponsor $250 Logo in a shared section Logo on website, social media shoutout, 1 tabled event per year

Additional information

Sponsorship Tier

Gold, Silver, Community